Shazia Mustafa, cofundadora de Third-door en Londres fue quien, hace 11 años, creó este nuevo concepto de coworking con cuidado de niños.
Antes de instalar Third Door, Shazia trabajó en organizaciones como la BBC y Nokia. Pero, como la historia se repite, fue la maternidad quien la inspiró a crear Third-Door.
Una mujer apasionada por la igualdad en la crianza, por el trabajo contra la discriminación de oportunidades de trabajo y penalización por la maternidad, su camino emprendiendo en esta startup no fue fácil, sobretodo porque para el año 2008 no sólo tenía que explicar sobre un “nursery” en un coworking, sino que primero tenía que hacerles comprender el concepto de “coworking”.
Con 11 años de experiencia, para mi es todo un referente en este modelo de negocio y de coworking. Y me parecía importante contar con su experiencia y opinión. Sus respuestas, personalmente como mujer emprendedora, me han dado nuevas pistas y nuevas ideas.
Aquí os dejo la entrevista que le he hecho a Shazia.
Mum, business woman and Co-founder of Third Door.
Third door has been in operation for 11 years. We would like you to tell us a bit about the Third Door experience and about you as an entrepreneur.
1.- Tell us how Third door emerged 11 years ago.
S: Back in 2008, I was trying to work around looking after my five-month old daughter and finding it extremely difficult. I wanted a place to work in peace, where my baby would be cared for nearby. Nowhere offered a solution, so my husband Yusuf and I, we decided to create one ourselves. And so Third Door was born!
2.- What should be the mentality of an entrepreneur who launches with this business idea?
S: I believe the mentality needs to be the same as of every other entrepreneur setting up a new business, tenacious and single minded. Also with this business it is worth bearing in mind you have two businesses to manage – coworking and a nursery/childcare.
3.- Today there are many coworking with nursery or family hub. What do you think about this situation or the future of coworking with nursery (or childcare)? The way of working is changing?
S: I think it it wonderful that there are more services giving parents more choice and solutions to how they work in today’s modern world. The way of working is changing and I feel coworking and childcare will soon become the new norm.
4.- Why do you think that the business model of a coworking with children finds it difficult to stabilize?
S: Third Door is finacially stable and has been for a number of years. Our nursery is a full nursery that offers flexibility to parents as well as being able to work near them. They do not have to stay on site.
By being clear on our target yet being open to parents who cannot use the Workhub, we have been able to create a stronger business model that generates longer customer lifetime value. I feel creches and popup spaces may not allow the same flexibility that allows for a longer Customer Lifetime Value.
5.- A coworking with children is a very specific market niche. What was your MPV 8 years ago? .How it has evolved?
S: The business has evolved with customer feedback over time to what it is now. It was very different in terms of what we offered at the begining which was two very basic options whereas now we offer a full nursery and many of our customer suse us 5 days a week, full days.
6.-Any key to success for a coworking with nursery?
S: Create something that is needed by your customers and evolve based on their feedback.
Mis conclusiones
Es una entrevista muy corta pero está cargada en información (para más info puedes ver directamente la web de Third Door)
Me gustaría hacer notar puntos muy importantes y que concluyo así:
- Tienes en tus manos un negocio, y como ella dice, dos: coworking y nursery.
- Hay que tener claro quien es tu target y construir a partir de sus necesidades.
- Se parte con una idea que puede ir evolucionando (sin miedo) a algo mejor. Esta evolución sólo puede estar acompañada de la experiencia y tenacidad.
¿Te ha gustado? ¿A aclarado alguna duda que tenías respecto al modelo de coworking and nursery? Déjame tus comentarios, será muy enriquecedor saber aquello que quieres resolver.
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